Summary: This article will guide you in how to submit E911 listings through IXICA Business Management Portal (BMP). Ensure all versions of callerID you may submit on outbound calls are listed with a proper response address. E911 is a required service as per regulations set forth by the CRTC.


1. Once logged into the BMP expand E911 section. You will be presented with several subsections. Click on Submit New Listing.


2. Complete the Form. These fields are pre-filled for your convenience, but should be edited to reflect the correct information.

  • Caller ID: Provide the number you are listing. Numbers should be entered in the following format: NPANXXXXXX (ex: 4165551212)


  •  Language: Please select the preferred language of the end user. (11 operators are bilingual, setting language will have a default language, in which calls are answered.


  • First & Last Name OR Business Name: Here you will enter the Business name or if residential first and last name of the customer.



  • The next step is to fill in the response address: Please ensure that all required fields are filled in. Please note that the Provinces should be entered in the following 2 letter format.

o AB Alberta

o BC British Columbia

o MB Manitoba

o NB New Brunswick

o NL Newfoundland and Labrador

o NT Northwest Territories

o NS Nova Scotia

o NU Nunavut

o ON Ontario

o PE Prince Edward Island

o QC Quebec

o SK Saskatchewan

o YT Yukon

  • Once all the required fields are filled in click the Submit E911 Order at the bottom.  Once the listing is submitted you can check the status of your listing by E911 at the left of the page and selecting View Listings in the drop menu. Please note this submission will create a ticket, once the listing is completed you will be notified through the ticket. Listings may take up to 24hrs