This article is for clients connecting a Freepbx or Elastix system to IXICA SIP Trunks. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with installing the system and getting it connected to their network and that the system is able to access the Internet.
Step 1: Create the Trunk
a. Begin by creating a new SIP trunk in Freepbx/Elastix. This option is found under Trunks.
b. Give your trunk a friendly Trunk Name and define an Outbound CallerID if required. (i.e. trunk)
c. Dialed Number Manipulation Rules
Create the following entries
(1) + _____ | NXXNXXXXXX
( ) + _____ | 1NXXNXXXXXX
d. Follow the instructions below carefully to populate the fields. Variables are provided to you at the time of set up and must be substituted in the configurations below where indicated in italicized writing.
Outgoing Settings
Trunk Name: Friendly Trunk Name that was defined above in step 1b. (i.e. trunk)
PEER Details:
username=Your username provided in your sip trunk settings
fromuser=Your username provided in your sip trunk settings (remove this line if you have requested Caller ID Passthrough)
secret=Your password provided in your sip trunk settings
host=[provided domain]
fromdomain=[provided domain]
Incoming Settings
All fields in this section can be left blank
Register String:
username:password@[provided domain] (i.e. companyname:password@[provided domain])
e. Click Submit Changes
Step 2
a. Create a new inbound route and give it a friendly name.
b. DID Number should be your Test DID or Permanent number with 1 in front. (i.e. 14162734828)
c. Set Destination should be where you want the call to ring
d. Click Submit Changes
Step 3
a. Create an outbound route and give it a friendly name. Please ensure that a Caller ID value that will be registered for 911 with IXICA is entered. Caller ID is specified as follows i.e. "IXICA" <4162734828>
b. Dial Patterns should look as below:
( ) + _____ | [1NXXNXXXXXX / _______________ ]
(1) + _____ | [NXXNXXXXXX / _______________ ]
For Directory Calling
(1) + _____ | [411 / _______________ ]
For Emergency Calling - Testing 911 must be done by contacting IXICA first for permission and is recommended
(1) + _____ | [911 / _______________ ]
For 7 Digit Dialing Areas Replace 1AC with 1 and your Area Code as follows i.e. 1416 if your area code is 416
(1416) + _____ | [NXXXXXX / _______________ ]
c. Click Submit Changes
Step 4
Apply all settings and test.
Step 5
Important Security Warning:
a) You must set to "No" the following settings in Asterisk SIP Settings under the Settings tab of Freepbx. Not following this will result in potential charges for unwanted calls.
Allow SIP Guests
Allow Anonymous Inbound SIP Calls
b) If you are using Elastix please ensure that you go to the Security Tab -> Advanced Settings and set Enable direct Access to Freepbx to ON. Then you will be able to go back to the PBX tab and go to Unembedded Freepbx and access the same settings above in part a of this Step.